Ultimate Scumbag: Video lip sync of Mike Chitwood representative of this sheriff's disgustingness

Headline Surfer video / Parody: Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood doing the Police Lip Sync Contest.

By Darlene Vann
Col: Musings
Headline Surfer

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- The video parody of Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood doing the Police Lip Sync Contest is fantastic.

Perfect song and everything.

I was laughing my (expletive) off. Then I realized it's not funny because it's true and Chitwood thinks he represents 'We the people,' with his disgusting behavior, but he does not. 

Chitwood, with his loud mouth and vindictiveness, needs to be ousted and a real sheriff elected.

Chitwood likes to call others a Scumbag, a term that more than aptly applies to himself. Mike Chitwood, in reality, is the Ultimate Scumbag!

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood the Ultimate Scumbag / Headlimne SurferI was laughing my (expletive) off. Then I realized it's not funny because it's true and Chitwood thinks he represents 'We the people,' with his disgusting behavior, but he does not. 

Chitwood, with his loud mouth and vindictiveness, needs to be ousted and a real sheriff elected.

Chitwood likes to call others a Scumbag, a term that more than aptly applies to himself. Mike Chitwood, in reality, is the Ultimate Scumbag!