I find the prospect of an Obama Presidency backed up with a large Democratic majority in congress as a frightening prospect. The reasons can be summarized by saying Obama and the Democratic leadership appear to prefer the economic ideas of Karl Marx over those of Adam Smith and Milton Friedman. They look to government actions and programs to solve all of our problems.
Furthermore, I fear that he will remove our influence in the Middle East and destroy all credibility America has in foreign affairs. He appears to favor a weaker America. That is why all of America ’s enemies favor Obama.
In the economy he has threatened to do is raise taxes, especially on the rich and the investors. He intends to move towards a government-controlled health-care system and inflict more regulations on business.
Obama appears to have no idea or concern about how businesses operate to create goods services and jobs. The Democrats who control congress have amply demonstrated very little concept about how to create a good economy.
A good economy is created by low taxes, few regulations, sound money, unimpeded foreign trade and strong legal protection for property rights.
An Obama-led Government will probably go rapidly off in the wrong direction on most if not all of these factors.
Another thing that is very likely to happen is that unions will be given more power. Unions have lost much of their power by killing off the industry they have fed off of. If the Democrats succeed in giving the unions more power to organize they may wipe out some of the industry they have missed up to this time.
Under Democratic control the chances of needed tort reform is nil. In fact, lawyers will probably obtain more power to pillage and rape our economy. That is why the democrats get such large contributions from the trial lawyers.
To be fair, the Republicans have not been great on most of these issues. They are simply “less bad” than the Democrats.
Hopefully, the picture may not be as dark as I have pictured. Many Democrats may not be as ignorant as their public statements have indicated and may follow a more rational path than they have indicated.
If Obama’s Marxist agenda is applied quickly and forcefully to large segments of our economy many Democrats might loose their seats in the next few elections. They might realize that carrying out the threats of taxes, regulations and other punishments on America ’s most productive people and businesses is like shooting the only pilot on the airplane you are flying in.
Therefore, there is the possibility that many of the Obama “threats” may not be carried out.