NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Vehicle after vehicle pulled up to the street corner on Flagler Avenue on this temperate Sunday afternoon to get their hands on a John McCain-Sarah Palin election sign during the inaugural Uncorked wine- and food-tasting event.
But just as many, if not more of these same signs are being pilfered from people's lawns, say local Republican campaign officials.
"We've probably lost over 500 signs," said Bob McKeen, chirman of the Southeast Volusia Republican headquarters on the beachside.
The weekend before, McKeen and his supporters found a likenes of Barack Obama stenciled in in purple over a large blue McCain-Palin sign on the storefront window. He called the cops for that grafitti as well as for rampant reports of stolen signs, but police don't have any leads.
"This i unprecedented -- 10 times worst than usual," McKeen said.
Despite the thefts, Republican volunteer Michael Tanner braved the strong fall sun to hand out not only McCain-Palin signs, but also signs and brochures on behalf of Congressman Tom Feeney, State Rep. Dorothy Hukill, Volusia County Appraiser Morgan Gilreath and Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson.
Tanner said the signs were going like hot cakes, especially those for the McCain-Palin presidential ticket.
"It's getting about that time," Tanner said of the request for signs with the national election going into the home stretch. "Usually the last few weeks, people get excited." photo by Sera King. Cutline: Republican volunteer Miichael Tanner hands out John NcCain-Sarah Palin signs during the Uncorked wine- and food-tasting event on Flagler Avenue.