Originally posted Thu, 2009-05-14 21:28
NSBNEWS. video and photo by Sera Frederick. Danny Veltri is shown on two large screens outside Flip Flops as hundreds cheer inside and outside the beachside restaurant for the winner of FOX reality TV's "Hell's Kitchen.
NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Danny Veltri proved tonight before a nationwide telvision audience he could stand the heat in the ultimate kitchen -- FOX reality TV's "Hell's Kitchen -- winning the national recognition as top chef and $250,000 richer.
Veltri's fate was known months ago to very few people, like 27-year-old Erik Amalfitano, but even so, he was overjoyed with the emotion of the moment at hand -- seeing one of his best friends win national acclaim.
"This is amazing for Flip Flops," said Amafitano, an executive chef here with Veltri. "This is a great honor for him."
Tony Huerta, 46, one of the owners was beaming with pride, saying, "I'm extremely proud of these guys. Danny and Erik are excellent chefs."
Even though Veltri has a big gig in Atlantic City, Huerta and others at Flip Flops said they are looking forward to regular visits from the native son, who helped them relocate the popular restaurant from Pine Street to its more visible AIA locale just four weeks ago.
As the winner, 23-year-old Danny Veltri will now be working at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa in Atlantic City, N.J., a dream job from a reality show job that comes with a $250,000 salary.
But for the night at hand, there were some tense moments as the show's grisly host, Gordon Ramsay, instructed Danny and his rival, Paula Dasilva, to wait until the count of three to literally open their doors to their futures. "1-2-3," and onto a commercial break, the Ramsay says at 9:50 p.m., causing a big gasp from the nearly 400 standing -- some on their tippy toes -- ready to cheer.
That commercial break gave the eager bystanders a moment to catch their collective breaths and then the show returned. The time came when 23-year-old Danny Veltri's door opened to victory.
Veltri was overcome with emotion, telling a nationwide audience, "I can't believe it. I did it... I won. A quarter of a million dollars. It's like holy (expletive)!"
Then came a tender moment as cheers turned to tears on the local boy who remembered his late mother, Susan Maria Veltri, saying he knew she was sharing this with him from heaven, quoting her as if she were the one speaking -- "'I knew he was going to make something of himself.'"
Eileen Moretti , 61, of Edgewater, was among the many loyal fans at Flip Flops who cheered Veltri on after plunking down $15 for a yellow T-shirt with his likeness on it, saying, "He's such a nice young man -- he's one of the nicest young men I've met."