Headline Surfer® video / Seminole County Sheriff's helicopter takes to the sky 2 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, to assist Lake Mary police in search of a reported backyard prowler off of the HE Thomas Jr. Parkway near the Sanford border. The main cross street east of the area is Rinehart Road, about a 2-minute ride by car from where cops were searching.
LAKE MARY -- The unmistakeable sound of a commercial airliner making its descent over Lake Mary to land at the nearby Sanford Airport is one thing, but the thunderous twirling of the blades of the Seminole County Sheriff's helicopter at 2 in the morning at a low altitude reaches new heights on the noise meter.
But the Lake Mary cops and Seminole Sheriff's pilot were just doing their jobs during the early morning hours of Nov. 16, a couplr hours past midnight to be precise.
Authorities were looking for a reported backyard prowler in the vicinity of the heavily-residential area in the vicinity HE Thomas Jr. Parkway near the Sanford border after a 9-1-1 call from a concerned resident, a Seminole County Sheriff's dispatcher said. Headline Surfer® ran into three cops off the parkway as they went about their search.
The 24/7 internet newspaper called the Seminole Sheriff's Dispatch about an hour later and a dispatcher said nobody was found. She said the noise may have been louder considering what time it was and because the helicopter was able to fly at a much lower elevation with roads virtually traffic-free to get a better look on the ground.
The 24/7 internet newspaper called the Seminole Sheriff's Dispatch about an hour later and a dispatcher said nobody was found. She said the noise may have been louder considering what time it was and because the helicopter was able to fly at a much lower elevation with roads virtually traffic-free to get a better look on the ground.
Counting 'em down: Headline Surfer® Ranking of the Top 100 Stories of 2013
