DAYTONA BEACH SHORES -- Registration is under way for the 17th annual Kids Fishing Tournament at the Sunglow Fishing Pier, 3701 S. Atlantic Ave.
The event is co-sponsored by the South Daytona and Daytona Beach Shores police departments. All children participating must be pre-registered at the South Daytona P.D., where the forms can be picked up and dropped off, 1672 S. Ridgewood Ave., South Daytona.
The event is limited to the first 100 kids. It is scheduled 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 17, with the rain date on My 24.
Participating children must be in their assigned spots by 9:30 a.m. or their locale will be given to a child on as waiting list. A parent/guardian must accompany their child to the event. Children must be between 5 and 12 years of age. Fishing poles and bait will be provided. Multiple lines and hooks will not be allowed. The only fish that count towards a child's total is what the child catches.
A hot dog lunch, drinks and snacks will be provided to all participants. Trophies, for various categories, and prizes will be awarded in a ceremony around noon.