DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Typically, a man of the cloth speaks loudly in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
There's no quid pro quo to sell one's soul for the almighty dollar is there, especially when such a man of the cloth is silent when he ispected to speak up?
Then again, there's the age-old adage that "Money talks.
After all, didn't Judas Isariot do that for mere pieces of silver?
How about one with a forked tongue?
Is Fred Lowry, who purpotedly represents the citizens of district 5 in Deltona, DeBary, Enterprise and part of Osteen, one that is of the cloth, right?
There were lots o people speaking loudly Thursday in the Frank T. Bruno County Council Chambers, but Lowry didn't say a word, except "Yes" to three ordinances that reduce beach driving.
But Lowry wasn't speaking. Maybe it's not so easy to speak when you have a forked tongue.
Perhaps, receiving a whopping 80 percent of your overall campaign contribvutions in your first attempt from the wallets of the ultra rich Daytona Beach insiders like Lesa France Kennedy, J. Hyatt Brown and Mori Hosseini could leave you speechless.
And maybe, just maybe, Lowry, remembers the old EF Hutton commercial: When EF Hutton speaks, people listen!"
So who was EF Hutton Thursday? Perghpas one of the greatestest speakers of the house, literally and figuratively, J. Hyatt Brown, chirmn of the boatd for Brown & Brown, the insurance giant his father built.
Brown serves on the board of International Speedway with Lesa France Kennedy, whose adoped father built Daytona International Speedway.
And with these two Daytona Beach sinsiders on the ISC sits Mori Hosseini, anoher builder who owns ICI Homes.
When Hyatt Brown spoke, Lowry wasn't the only one to listen. So, too, did Deb Denys, Pat Patterson, Doug Daniels, Joshua Wagner and gulp -- Jason Davis. After all, even with a forked tongue, spaking is truly not impossible with build-up of scar tissue.