EDITOR'S NOTE: Monday, Sept. 26, 2016: This story published on Sunday has been updated with a new story today since the accusatory and unsubstantiated posting was removed from the Topix site, although it still shows up in the google search engines. Here is a link to the new story:

Headline Surfer
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Political consultant and substitute teacher David Lee Davis, who continues to use Facebook to lash out at those he views as the enemy with no signs of letting up weeks after he was soundly defeated for supervisor of elections in the Aug. 30 Volusia County primary, now finds himself in the unenviable position of staving off unsubstantiated allegations in an online forum that he's a pedophile who slept with a 17-year-old boy back home in Ohio.
A poster on "topix," an online social media site, identified as Jtr of Mason, Ohio, made the allegations Aug. 29, with a banner headline that reads "David Lee Davis is a pedophile."
The topix poster alleges: "David Lee Davis likes boys. Young boys. He slept with me when I was 17, but his 'role play' told me he wanted younger."
The poster, who doesn't say when the alleged incident occurred, continues: "So sad NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THIS MAN REALLY IS."
Headline Surfer contacted Davis by phone just after 6:30 p.m. after it was tipped off in a private Facebook message of the allegation and asked him if he wanted to comment on the claims made about him. He responded, "I don't know what you are talking about. I'm at church."
Davis later responded in a text message that allegations were "a most disgusting accusation," but he did not clarify if they were true or untrue.
Davis, 60, of Port Orange, was a candidate for supervisor of elections in the Aug. 30, Volusia County primary elections, but finished a distant third among four candidates in the race, won outright by Lisa Lewis. Davis also is a political consultant and a substitute teacher in the Volusia County School District.