NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – The City of New Smyrna Beach Railroad Street Affordable Housing Development has been selected as the 2017 Outstanding Redevelopment project by the Florida Planning and Zoning Association.
The New Smyrna Beach Housing Authority, the City of New Smyrna Beach, the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency, Housing and Grants Administration of Volusia County partnered for the development of six new affordable units.
These units were constructed to fill the need for affordable rental housing in the City’s Historic Westside neighborhood. An earlier exodus of 30 families and the results of a community survey that indicated that affordable housing was the community’s first priority.
The completed Railroad Avenue Development provides six affordable housing units for rent, managed by the New Smyrna Beach Housing Authority. The units are configured as follows: two single family homes, and four duplex units. The development also includes a sound wall as required by HUD (a condition of receiving HOME funds) to block the development from noise from the railroad track nearby.
“This development is an accumulation of effort by multiple partners throughout Volusia County,” said city manager, Pam Brangaccio, in a prepared statement released by the city in an email to Headline Surfer and other media outlets announcing the improvements.
Like the city manager, Mayor Jim Hathaway, who is midway through his second two-year term, said he likes the momentum the municipality is building in helping its poorer citizens with improved housing opportunities.
"We are working as a community to bring affordable housing to our city residents," said Hathaway, initially elected in 2014, on a campaign platform of holding down local government spending while expanding state and federal revenue streams that ultimately led to this home improvement effort.
"We are grateful for the cooperation of the various agencies who support our endeavor," added Hathaway in an interview this morning with Headline Surfer, who drew no opposition in last year's elections.
Like the city manager, Mayor Jim Hathaway, who is midway through his second two-year term, said he likes the momentum the municipality is buildng in helping its poorer citizens with improved housing opportunities.
"We are working as a community to bring affordable housing to our city residents," said Hathaway, initially elected in 2014, on a campaign platform of holding down local government spending while expanding state and federal revenue streams that ultimately led to this home improvement effort.
"We are grateful for the cooperation of the various agencies who support our endeavor," added Hathaway in an interview this morning with Headline Surfer, who drew no opposition in last year's elections.