EDGEWATER, Fla. -- Gary Conroy has no illusions about his place in politics and the way things have turned out in Edgewater in the span of six weeks: Definitely for the better, at least that's how he sees it.
And why not?
Who would have predicted just days before Halloween that City Manager Tracey Barlow, clearly entrench3ed and in charge of the municipal government for 11 years would be fired coup de tat style. And two weeks later, jettisoned was Dave Arcieri, the director of public safety with 24 years of overall service with the Edgewater Police Department.
While so many residents are upset about the sudden changes in the administration of municipal government, Conroy doesn't share the doomsday scenario with three bigwigs gone just like that.
"I'm still standing and my enemies - Barlow, Ignasiak & Arcieri - are gone,'" Conroy said in a recent phone interview, well sort of with Ignasiak, the lame-duck mayor, still hanging around heading into the weekend and Monday's swearing-in ceremony that saw him walk out the city council chambers, perhaps for the last time ever as an elected leader.
Though Ignasiak begged to differ in a brief interview by phone after the swearing-in ceremony with County Councilwoman Debb Denys swearing in Mike Thomas to take over as mayor for the start of the regular City Council meeting after a brief interlude. Also sworn in was Christine Power who won re-election for a second four-year term. And even though she didn't receive a single vote
With Ignasiak losing his seat in the Nov. 6 elections to challenger Mike Thomas, himself a former mayor, Conroy takes great comfort and even satisfaction knowing that in a matter of days, Ignasiak will follow Tracey Barlow and Dave Arcieri out the door at Edgewater City Hall.