DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Having devoted more than a quarter-century serving and protecting the public, David Brannon, who ran for the Office of Sheriff of Volusia County, is retiring. from the agency, effective July 15, he announced in a social media posting earlier this Monday night.
Here is what Brannon posted on his Facebook page: "At 22 years old, I left behind everything I knew to fulfill my dream to be a law enforcement officer. Thankful for the opportunity given me by Sheriff Robert L. Vogel, Jr., the next 26 years taught me so much about the realities of life – the good, the bad, and the ugly."
Stating his decision to walk away from his career in law enforcement after two-plus decades, was difficult at best, Brannon without mentioning anything specific said it was time to go in a new direction: "Working alongside, and for, some of the best people in the business, truly great cops and support staff, the challenges and experiences were made all the better. Deciding to depart what became my identity and lifestyle was gut wrenching to say the least, and while bittersweet, the time has come for me to start a new adventure."
Brannon continued in his Facebook posting, "Today, I delivered my letter of retirement and my last day will be July 15th. As I move on from a place I truly love, I ask those who remain to stay focused on what matters – family, duty, integrity – never compromise on any of these. I pray for God’s blessings and safety over all my family at VCSO and wish you nothing but the best! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it."
Brannon, 48, married with two children, is an announced inductee into the Headline Surfer Hall of Fame.
Those in law enforcement and politics were taken aback by Brannon's announcement.
"Wow, congrats. This is a surprise to me but well deserved," wrote Deborah Reith, an investigator with the State Attorney's Office in Daytona Beach. "Good luck, Dave."
Retired Circuit Judge Joe Will said, "Dave, I wish you nothing but the best. You have given more to this community than it will ever know. It must feel very good to you to know that you did it all with a great and giving heart and the best of ethics. Congratulations. You are going to love retirement."
Scott Stiltner, a Port Orange City councilman, said, "Congratulations David Brannon! Thank you for your tireless service and dedication to our county. May God Bless you and your family richly as you move into life’s next chapter!"
Pat Northey, a former longtime county councilwoman from Deltona, told Brannon he would be missed, describing him as "one of the most honorable and intelligent law enforcement officers" she has ever dealt with.
Northey added, "I wish you well in your journey and thank you for all you have done in our community. I wish you well."
More than 380 people have commented on Brannon's resignation announcement posting with well wishes and congratulations. Sheriff Mike Chitwood is not among them. Nor has Chitwood mentioned anything about Brannon's announcement on his own Facebook page or on his Twitter account.
And nothing has been mentioned on the VCSO Facebook page on Brannon's retirement announcement either.
Brannon, like many of the deputies in the VCSO, have had to walk a tightrope under Chitwood's less-than-stellar first term, in which he has not only continued his "Scumbag Eradicator" moniker in naming calling of criminal suspects, but politicians as well that he has perceived as an enemy, real or perceived, as scumbags, thugs and knuckleheads.
Brannon was among five candidates to seek the Elected Office of Sheriff in 2016, after then-Sheriff Be Johnson announced he would not seek a fifth four-year term after 16 years as sheriff. Chitwood easily won in a crowded field.
David Brannon was among five candidates to seek the Elected Office of Sheriff in 2016, after then-Sheriff Be Johnson annnounced he would not seek a fifth four-year term after 16 years as sheriff. Chitwood easily won in a crowded field.
Brannon is an announced inductee into the Headline Surfer Hall of Fame.
Brannon is an announced inductee into the Headline Surfer Hall of Fame.
Editor's Note: Here is David Brannon's post along with comments