Photo for Headline Surfer / Ormond Beach Deputy Mayor is shown above.
By SERA KING / Headline Surfer
ORMOND BEACH, FLa. -- Susan Persis, Ormond Beach's deputy mayor and zone 3 city commissioner, has been appointed to serve for a second term on the National League of Cities' Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Federal Advocacy Committee for a second term.
This committee provides space for local leaders to connect with other municipal officials representing similar communities and facing common challenges.
“This topic is a priority for our coastal community and I look forward to working alongside our local and state officials to bring the Ormond Beach perspective," Persis said, "and put our resident’s health and environmental sustainability at the forefront of policy discussions.”
“This topic is a priority for our coastal community and I look forward to working alongside our local and state officials to bring the Ormond Beach perspective," Persis said, "and put our resident’s health and environmental sustainability at the forefront of policy discussions.”
Kathy Maness, president of the National League of Cities and Lexington, SC council member, said the league's federal advocacy committees are the voices of what’s happening on the ground in its communities.
“I am proud to have Susan Persis join NLC's energy, environment, and natural resources committee on behalf of her residents," Maness added. "Together with a team of local leaders from around the country, we will work to solve the most pressing challenges facing our communities.”
As a member of this council, Persis will play a key role in identifying common trends across municipalities and developing policy options and responses for cities, towns and villages.
The energy, environment and natural resources committee is responsible for developing policy and leading NLC’s advocacy on infrastructure and sustainability-related issues such as water infrastructure and water quality, air quality, energy, climate change, solid and hazardous waste management, local food systems, and public lands.
About the Byline Writer:
Sera King is associate publisher of Headline Surfer, the award-winning 24/7 internet news outlet serving greater Daytona Beach, Sanford, and Orlando, FL via HeadlineSurfer.com since 2008. She also is a byline writer, videographer & cartoonist for the media outlet. King received her bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Ana G. Mendez University in Orlando.
Headline Surfer LLC is published by Henry Frederick, Central Florida's award-winning journalist.
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