DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- This may be politically iuncorrect, but needs to be said: No mention at all by Volusia County's top administrators, PR flaks or even County Chair Jeff Brower on Monday morning's passing of political giant Ann McFall.
Not one word. Not one picture. Nothing on Volusia County's website, Facebook or Twitter pages.
What an Absolute Disgrace! Absolutely NOTHING from Volusia County's administration/public information on Monday morning's passing of political icon Ann McFall, a 30-year public servant with tenure as an elected leader on not one, not two, but three county entities totalling 30 years - the Volusia County School Board (including chair), the Volusia County Council (incl. chair) and as Volusia County's elected Supervisor of Elections for a decade until her retirement in 2016.
What an Absolute Disgrace! Absolutely NOTHING from Volusia County's administration/public information on Monday morning's passing of political icon Ann McFall, a 30-year public servant with tenure as an elected leader on not one, not two, but three county entities totalling 30 years - the Volusia County School Board (including chair), the Volusia County Council (incl. chair) and as Volusia County's elected Supervisor of Elections for a decade until her retirement in 2016.
Perhaps today, there will be last minute CYA with the annual PR state of the county address at the Ocean Center by the new chair, Jeff Brower, who had nothing about Ann McFall's passing on his hybrid county/personal Facebook page on Monday when it mattered. Absolutely nothing!
Nor was there anything on the county's website on Monday... and certainly not during the witching hour of early Tuesday.
Perhaps if any of the over-paid county big wigs had bothered to check Headline Surfer, the Daytona Beach News-Journal, the DeLand Beacon, they might have posted something. Anything!
But as of 1 a.m. Tuesday nothing at all.