Multimedia: Below: YouTube video embedding / Duck and Cover starring Bert the Turtle, a 1951 Civil Defense Film during the height of the Cold War.

It made me think back to my youth when we grew up learning to Duck and Cover under our desks in elementary school because of the Cold War and the possibility of a nuclear bomb being dropped on the United States at any time by the Soviet Union.
That had an effect on all of the children even if we were too young to really understand what was going on and is still with me today especially when I see these kids wearing masks all day in schools.
This is what they will remember and maybe not even understand like we did not fully understand way back when.
As if ducking and covering under our desks would actually save us if the bomb were dropped but what it did do was scare us and make us think of the Soviet Union (now Russia) as an enemy.
The Soviet Union actually was an ally of the U.S. during World War II.
It makes me sad thinking these babies will grow up so used to masking because parents or teachers say so.
Will they become sheep when older or will they be thinkers who can and will protest wrongs as adults?
If you think about the protests for civil rights, ending Vietnam and other things this country has gone through much of those things were finally halted after many people gathered to protest to stop them.
That is what the masked little girl has me wondering. What do you think?