Photos for Headline Surfer / Daytona Beach police are wading through flooded areas of the city to rescue stranded citizens as shown above and at left.
By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- City cops are out in force, using large trucks and boats to rescue people from flooded areas.
Daytona Bech police ask that citizens stranded "please be patient, we will be to you soon!"
Police also urge everyone to "please stay off the roads and avoid all standing water."
Anyone needing to be rescued is asked to call the City of Daytona Beach's Emergency Operations Center at 386-671-5555.
The Seabreeze bridge is now open in both directions.
The other bridges will be open as soon as the inspections are complete.
The area is still flooded so please avoid driving until the water recedes, police advise.
The danger of life-threatening inundation from storm surge persists in Central Florida as Hurricane Ian takes aim at the Carolinas and Georgia as a Category 1 storm.
"A turn toward the north-northwest is expected by tonight," The National Hurricane Center said. "On the forecast track, the center of Ian will approach and reach the coast of South Carolina today, and then move farther inland across eastern South Carolina and central North Carolina tonight and Saturday.
Little change in strength is expected before Ian reaches the coast later today. Rapid weakening is expected after landfall, and Ian is forecast to become an extratropical low over North Carolina tonight or on Saturday. The low is then expected to dissipate by Saturday night."
Photo for Headline Surfer courtesy DBPD / Flooded street in Daytona Berach the result of Hurricane Ian.
Tropical Storm Ian was upgraded to a hurricane Thursday afternoon as Central Florida experienced massive amounts of rain. Ian had come ashore Wednesday afternoon near Cayo Costa, Florida, with winds of 150 mph and began a punishing march northeastward across the state.
Orange County EOC:
Orange County has been added to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster declaration for Florida. This authorizes FEMA to provide individual assistance for residents of Orange County. It also provides 100 percent federal funding for debris removal and emergency, life-saving measures for 30 days.
For more information on FEMA reimbursement for residents please visit disasterassistance.gov.
Public safety partners continue to assess locations for recovery, evacuation and resident assistance.
Electricity provider updates are applicable as of 10 a.m. this morning:
- Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC): Approximately 10 percent of customers are without power. At this time, 72 percent of outages have been restored. Customers are asked to visit Orlando Utilities Commission’s storm webpage for additional restoration updates.
- Duke Energy: Approximately 35 percent of customers are without power. More than 130,000 customers have had their power restored. The current estimated time of restoration for 90 percent of Duke customers in Orange County is no later than 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 2, 2022. For more information visit Duke Energy.
Orange County Utilities personnel are providing essential services to residents and businesses, including ensuring uninterrupted delivery of safe and reliable tap water. Staff have completed initial assessments of our infrastructure and facilities for power outages, damages, and flooding.
For wastewater emergencies such as sewage backing up into a home or the street, please call Orange County Utilities Emergency Dispatch at 407-836-2777. Residents in apartment complexes should report sewer issues to their property management company.
Additional updates are applicable as of 10 a.m. this morning:
- Curbside Collection: Regular schedule resumes on Monday, October 3, 2022. Residents may experience some delays with yard waste collection for the next few weeks. It is important to remember that yard waste at the curb for regular service is limited to three cubic yards each week and must still be set out according to the guidelines, including limbs cut to three feet in length, tied, and each bundle under 60 pounds. The county will be working on separate collections just for storm debris, details are forthcoming.
- Facilities: The Orange County Landfill and Transfer Stations will be closed to the public today, Friday, September 30 with the goal to reopen on Saturday, or Monday at the latest. An updated schedule for operations will be posted on ocfl.net/Ian later today.
Orange County Environmental Protection has issued an advisory for all lakes and rivers in Orange County until further notice.
Public Boat ramps under the control of Orange County are currently closed. Please refrain from recreation and contact in and around water bodies. Many of these systems may have been adversely impacted by Hurricane Ian and are experiencing high water levels, the potential for contamination, displaced and disoriented wildlife, and submerged structures.
Seminole County EOC:
- Seminole County Fire Department, Seminole County Sheriff's Office, and the National Guard continue to respond to high water areas for rescues, with focus today centering on Geneva and the Little/Big Econ River areas in Oviedo.
- City of Oviedo - City Administration - 1725 Evans St, Oviedo - Open today 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- County Locations at 217 2nd St, Geneva, and Wayside Park, 4150 Hwy 17, Sanford - Opening Saturday at 8:00 a.m.
Winter Springs Boil Water:
- The city of Winter Springs is still under a Boil Water Advisory. Due to an emergency water main break, 376 addresses are without water until the emergency repair can be completed. Please be patient as crews work to restore utility water service to customers.
Power Outages:
- There are 95,000 power outages in Seminole County. Duke and FPL are responding - please be patient.
- Continue to be vigilant with generator safety and keep generators outside.
- Turn off the breaker and unplug electronics during an extended power outage to prevent fires when the power comes back on.
Shelter Consolidation:
- Several emergency shelters are consolidating to neighboring shelters. Lyman High School, Bentley Elementary School, and Lyman Elementary School remain open.
- For up-to-date shelter information, visit PrepareSeminole.org.
FEMA Assistance & Damage Assessment:
- Residents are encouraged to apply for assistance through insurance and/or FEMA starting NOW. Seminole County residents are now eligible for FEMA Individual Assistance. Learn more and find the application link at PrepareSeminole.org.
- Seminole County residents are strongly encouraged to report storm damage to property by completing the Damage Assessment form at PrepareSeminole.org.
Debris & Trash:
- Regularly scheduled trash collection will begin Monday 10/3. Sort yard trash (vegetation) from debris (construction materials from homes, etc.). As you sort debris, do not put it by fire hydrants, on sidewalks, or around power lines. Debris collection will be announced.
- Central Transfer Station & Landfill open Saturday & Sunday from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
- If you do not know how to use a chainsaw, now is not the time to learn. Please practice chainsaw safety.