LIibraries offer half-price fines for overdue books

DELAND -- Volusia County's 16 public libraries are asking patrons to help them reduce costs by returning overdue materials and paying their fines.

The libraries will allow patrons to close the book on fines before a new and stricter policy takes effect Feb. 1. From Jan. 25 - 31, patrons may return overdue items and pay half the price of accrued fines. They also can pay off fines on their account for half-price.

Library Services Director Lucinda Colee said this one-time opportunity is being offered to help patrons pay down their fines before Feb. 1, when library accounts over $25 and 42 days past due will be turned over to a materials recovery agency.

The agency, Unique Management Systems, will contact patrons by mail and phone to resolve the overdue accounts. Patrons who do not settle their accounts within 120 days will be reported to national consumer reporting agencies.

The new policy is being implemented to reduce the amount of taxpayer money used to replace lost materials.

“We’re asking patrons to help us hold the line on library costs,” Colee said. “Unreturned library items affect everyone - from the patron who wants to check out a missing novel to the taxpayers who have to pay for replacement materials.”