The mainstream liberal media and the left do not appear to take the threat from radical Islam very seriously, but people in New Smyrna Beach do. Pete Gastaldi, 44, of NSB says he feels threatened by the ideology of radical Islam, even as the mainstream media steadfastly refuses to connect the dots, which lead to the conclusion that the radical Muslims have been at war with the U.S. for decades. Even the horrors of 9/11 have failed to convince the left or the media that these people are a real threat.
Gastaldi responded further: "I don’t understand why we are giving them so much?"
Greg Eagle of New Smyrna Beach added, "They are a cancer on our society.”
These comments are very typical of the answers most New Smyrna residents give to this question. The question was asked of about a dozen people.
It may be that most Islamic people are peaceful but the radicals are the ones calling the shots. You have only to remember that only a minority of Germans were Nazis; that didn’t do the rest of the world much good.
The most important thing feature about radical Muslims is that they are totally intolerant of anyone who isn’t Muslim. If you are non Muslim you have no right to exist. They feel perfectly in the right to eliminate you if you are non Muslim.
They have definite plans to control the world. As we speak the Muslims are moving into Western Europe. The western European countries have birth rates which don’t replace their native population. The Muslims are filling the gap.
The Islamists are very good at intimidating western people and governments. The bombing of the train station in Madrid frightened the Spanish into voting in a left wing government who immediately pulled Spanish troops out of the Middle East.
Furthermore, Western European governments are bending over backwards to accommodate the Muslims and their way of doing things rather than encouraging Muslims to take on Western European ways.
Already there are significant moves to replace western jurisprudence with Sharia Law.
They are making virtually no effort to assimilate Western laws and customs. This fact is brought home by the fact that some of the terrorists are very sophisticated professionals such as doctors.
Love and tolerance of people who are different from you has no place in the radical Muslim play book. You either become Muslim or you should be eliminated.
They have set up schools called Madras, which teach the Koran along with total intolerance and disdain for western culture.
Some observers have taken the pessimistic view that much of Western Europe will be very Muslim in another 20 to 30 years
In the face of this obvious challenge, the American main media and leftist politicians seem bent on ignoring or denying the presence of a threat. Furthermore, they are sabotaging any attempts by the Bush Whitehouse to counter the threat.
The White House has had to fight every inch of the way to get the country in a position to handle the problem.
Newt Gingrich commented that he thought we would have to lose an American city before everyone would take this threat seriously.
The United States is strong enough to triumph over the threat posed by Radical Islam, but I greatly fear that the final cost will be much, much higher than it needs to be.