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Former Volusia County Chair Frank Bruno celebrates 66th birthday; gearing up for canvassing board duties

Retired face of government stays fit with 10-mile mountain bike ride every morning in vicinity of Ponce Inlet residence

Frank Bruno

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Though Frank T. Bruno stepped off the dais nearly two years ago after a 20-year-run as the face of Volusia government -- the final eight as the first elected county chair -- his political legacy remains in place, considering his successor and others meet twice monthly in the council chambers re-named in his honor.

Pat Northey's explanation for suspended campaign web site causes quite the stir -- comment quickly deleted

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At-large Councilwoman Joyce Cusack's reaction on the embarrassing predicament of her term-limited nemesis on the dais: 'It couldn't happen to a better person'

Pat Northey campaign site taken down / Headline Surfer®DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- The fallout from Saturday morning's suspension of Volusia County Council at-large candidate Pat Northey's has continued well into this weekend with incumbent Joyce Cusack not mincing her words in decribing the plight of her term-limited district 5 County Council rival: "It couldn't happen to a nicer person." Endorsement for Governor: Rick Scott has Florida headed in right direction Henry Frederick Sun, 11/02/2014 - 00:32
Internet newspaper endorses Florida Gov. Rick Scott for re-election / Headline Surfer® endorses Rick Scott for Governor / Headline Surfer®

Headline Surfer® videos produced by Multimedia Editor Serafina King-Frederick /
Gov. Rick Scott speaks brifly with the internet newspaper during a Daytona Beach campaign visin 2012. t Included in this recommendation is a list of other Florida-based media outlets that endorsed eiher Charlie Crist or Rick Scott for governor.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- endorses Rick Scott in his re-election because we belivee he has the Sunshine State headed in the right direction with a marked increase in job creation, record highs in tourism and an increasingly strong ciommitment to education.

Career politician Pat Northey's campaign website 'suspended' for non-payment despite $77,240 war chest

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Not only is she paid $44,000 as a part-time councilwoman, but receives another grand each month from a $12,000 annual pension for longevity on the dais of 2-plus decades

Pat Northwy campaign website suspended for non-payment / Headline Surfer®Pat Northey / Headline Surfer®DAYTONA BEACH -- After all these years as a career politician, district 5 term-limited County Councilwoman finds herself in an embarrassing situation on this Saturday -- the final day of early voting -- leading up to Tuesday's general elections: Her campaign website has been shut down for non-payment.

Internet newspaper wins Florida Press Club journalism awards for 6 stories, 4 of which focus on political corruption

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Headline Surfer® photos / The internet newspaper was a big winner in the 2014 Florida Press Club Statewide Journalism Contest with finalists announced Wednesday. This is the fourth year in a row that has been recognized for award-winning content.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Four of the six stories won by Headline Surfer® in the 2014 Florida Press Club Statewide Journalism Contest focused on political corruption with two of them on New Smyrna Beach Mayor Adam Barringer. There was one story each on the corrupt leadership of the Southeast Volusia Advertising Authority and Daytona Beach City Commissioner Carl Lentz, IV, who was trespassed from a strip club by the cops.

Integrity counts: Vote for Jake Sachs for zone 2 seat on New Smyrna Beach City Commission

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Internet newspaper endorsements: Jake Sachs for New Smyrna Beach City Commission / Headline Surfer®

No contest cocaine plea in open court defines candidacy of Stephen 'Steve' Sather

Jake Sachs endorsed for NSB City Commission / Headline Surfer®Stephren Sather cocaine plea / Headline Surfer®Steve Sather, with cocaine past, running for NSB City Commission / Headline Surfer®NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- There is a reason why Stephen P. Sather goes by "Steve Sather" in his run for the zone 2 seat on the New Smyrna Beach City Commission. There's less of a chance anyone looking him up in the Google search engine will find the ugly truth behind his drug past.

Intrigity counts in this race and that is why Jake Sachs deserves the support of the voters for the zone 2 seat in Tuesday's general election.

Open letter to governor undergoing series of fact checks before final publication today

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Open letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott on corruption in Volusia County / Headline Surfer®DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- The "Open Letter to Gov. Rick Scott" regarding government corruption in Volusia County and the need for intervention is undergoing a series of fact checks and polishing of the writing to ensure it is clear, concise and on point.

Once this process is completed, the letter will be published on today and a copy sent to the governor's press office. 

Because Headline Surfer® is a small operation with no network affiliations, the internet newspaper will reach out to select media outlets and alert them to the published story and links to the coverage since there are some sidebar elements as well.

The internet newspaper had hoped to have it published on Sunday as promoted, but as things turned out, that was an ambitious goal that in hindsight wasn't realistic.