
Obama would fare better against McCain with Hillary, even though he'll still lose

Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate. What a slap in the face for Hillary Clinton with all of her experience and voter support as she made an historic run for the Democratic presidential nomination with bigs wins in states like Pennsylvania and Texas.

Old guard Biden necessary for Obama to deal with Washington politics

Newspaper Section

Throughout his run for the presidency Barack Obama has preached for change, change for the way things go on in Washington. Yet, despite his disdain for the deal-making tactics that exist, he has chosen as his running mate, Joe Biden, a senator with 35 years of experience and involvement in so-called Washington politics.

I assume Obama realizes that it is necessary to continue working with the vestiges of the "old guard" if he lacks experience in foreign policy and in overall government administration.

Biden the Washington insider Obama needs to deal with partisan politics

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During the Democratic-primary debates, Senator Joe Biden questioned Barack Obama’s experience. Now in accepting Obama’s offer to fill that experience gap as his vice presidential choice, the 35-year veteran of the U.S. Senate promises to bring credentials, not cronyism, to the Democratic leadership of our nation.

Peeking into the bedroom of John Edwards and our own prurient interests

Newspaper Section

Mark Twain has observed that man will sacrifice any treasure he has, any power he thinks he has, to the demands of his sex drive.

He will lie, cheat, risk fame and fortune and betray a wife and family he loves.Like anything in life, the greater his fame and fortune, the more seductive the possibilities.

Ironically, his Christian reward for resisting the invitation to indulge his strongest, most nagging human appetite next to food and drink is the promise of a sexless heaven.

Blogger: God bless America

Here is something to think about:Did you read about the United States Supreme Court ruling on no crosses? On any federal property. Can you imagine? The Supreme Court not wanting a Christian cross on any federal land.

Question? Where are all of our soldiers who gave the supreme sacrifice and are buried in not only Arlington National Cemetery but the cemeteries across the world on federal property?
Does this mean we will have to remove these thousands upon thousands of their crosses?

When are we going to learn?

We need to change our arrogant standing in the world

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Not too long ago, the United States was revered as a world leader for democracy and compassion. We were always among the first to provide aid to the downtrodden and helpless, especially throughout our own continent. We Americans were admired and respected for always reaching out wherever needed.

This is no longer the case. Americans are now looked upon as war mongers. Other countries feel that we are determined to force our opinions and actions on world affairs without their consultation or approval.