Volusia News Now
100,000 for Biketoberfest epitome of fake news; all too real with Daytona biker rite of passage is death toll already at 3
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- The magical figure of 100,000 Biketoberfest participants for the 25th anniversary is not real. It's fake news.
All too real is the carnage as in dead bikers.
The numbers of bikers for the four-day motorcycycle may approach 50,000 participants, if the weather holds up. Among the dead
Feeling Andy Rooneyish at home in Edgewater with divisiveness in Washington
EDGEWATER, Fla. -- I’m feeling a little Andy Rooneyish today.
Massive rebuild under way of Puerto Rico electric power grid
YouTube download / AP video / The commander of the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers says that restoring power to Puerto Rico "a massive logistics challenge." (Oct.20).
Tomoka Landfill, just west of Daytona near Port Orange, & West Volusia Transfer Station in DeLand will resume normal operating hours Saturday
PORT ORANGE, Fla. -- The Tomoka Landfill and West Volusia Transfer Station will resume normal operating hours beginning Saturday, Oct. 14.
Gwyneth Paltrow & Angelina Jolie latest to allege impropriety against Harvey Weinstein
YouTube download / AP video / Rebecca Sun, an editor from The Hollywood Reporter, discusses the latest avalanche of allegations against Harvey Weinstein, including reactions from Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie. (Oct. 11)
Gwyneth Paltrow & Angelina Jolie latest to allege impropriety against Harvey Weinstein
YouTube download / AP video / Rebecca Sun, an editor from The Hollywood Reporter, discusses the latest avalanche of allegations against Harvey Weinstein, including reactions from Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie. (Oct. 11)
Gwyneth Paltrow & Angelina Jolie latest to allege impropriety against Harvey Weinstein
YouTube download / AP video / Rebecca Sun, an editor from The Hollywood Reporter, discusses the latest avalanche of allegations against Harvey Weinstein, including reactions from Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie. (Oct. 11)
Zenaida Denizac of Deltona uses social media to solicit revenue for Hurricane Maria-devastated Mayaguez, Puerto Rico where she's from
DELTONA, Fla. -- Zenaida Denizac has raised $5,780 in the past 12 days for relief aid to her brethren in her hometown of Mayaquez, Puerto Rico.