Originally posted Mon, 2009-10-19 02:21
NSBNEWS.net photos by Henry Frederick. April Perreault, 25, and her kid sister, Theresa, 22, seasonal bartenders at Pub 44, strike a pose for Biketoberfest 2009. In the smaller photos, countless bikes are packed in like sardines in the Pub 44 parking lot. Above, a live rock and roll band performs with large Budweiser ads in the forefront.
NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Pub 44 bartenders April Perreault, 25, and her sister, Thesersa, 22, Theresa Perreault, 22, were asked to pose for cameras by bikers more than twice their age almost as much as they were passing out bottles of Buds for the green stuff. Welcome to Biketoberfest, Pub 44 style, where bikers, babes and booze, are a winning combination, especially in these trying economic times.