
NSB cops: Man caught 'red-handed' stealing metal scraps from a salvage trailer

Newspaper Section

NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- A 46-year-old Edgewater man was arrested this morning on burglary and theft charges after police said they caught him trying to take pieces of scrap metal from the back of a tractor-trailer at 1125 S. Orange St.
"He was caught red-handed in the act right in broad daylight," New Smyrna Beach police Sgt. Eugene Griffith said of the 7 a.m. incident.

Oak Hill Reporter's Notebook

Newspaper Section

City clerk/administrator candidate interviews tonight

OAK HILL -- The city has received 90 applications to fill the vacant city clerk/administrator position that pays upwards of $50,000 annually, and has whittled that list down to seven to be interviewed tonight.

Deputy Clerk Laura Goodearly, who makes $35,000, is among the applicants to replace Stella McLeod, who resigned July 11. She gave no reason for leaving the job that paid her $45,000 a year. The City Commission will conduct the interviews at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Meet the candidates

Peeking into the bedroom of John Edwards and our own prurient interests

Newspaper Section

Mark Twain has observed that man will sacrifice any treasure he has, any power he thinks he has, to the demands of his sex drive.

He will lie, cheat, risk fame and fortune and betray a wife and family he loves.Like anything in life, the greater his fame and fortune, the more seductive the possibilities.

Ironically, his Christian reward for resisting the invitation to indulge his strongest, most nagging human appetite next to food and drink is the promise of a sexless heaven.

NSB man arrested on outstanding drug warrant

Newspaper Section
NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- A 33-year-old New Smyrna Beach man was arrested Friday during a motor vehicle stop on a three-year-old warrant charging him with violation of probation for sale and delivery of marijuana, police said.
Rex Bissell was taken into custody on the outstanding warrant following the 5:06 p.m. traffic stop on Fairgreen Avenue.