
Congressman Ron DeSantis running for Fla governor
Henry Frederick Sun, 01/21/2018 - 23:09
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YouTube download / ABC ActionNews video / Congressman Ron DeSantis officially is a candidate for governor of Florida. DeSantis is shown here with his wife, Casey, from an image on his Twitter account.

PALM COAST, Fla. -- Congressman Ron DeSantis has officially announced his candidacy for governor on Jan. 5,, and is endorsed by President Donald Trump.

Senate ends government shutdown

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YouTube download / AP video / The Senate has advanced a bill reopening federal agencies through Feb. 8 after Democrats relented and lifted their blockade against the legislation. (Jan. 22)

The US Senate voted 81-18 to break the filibuster and reopen the government on this Monday morning. The two sides agreed to keep negotiations towards a settlement on the Dreamers legislation until Feb. 8.

“In a few hours, the government will reopen,” said NY Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader. “We have a lot to do.”

As reported in the New York Times, Schumer  announced that he and Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, had “come to an arrangement” to adopt the three-week spending measure while continuing to negotiate a “global agreement” that would include the fate of the dreamers, undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children.

Daytona Beach's 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash won't be on WWE's Raw 25 show tonight on USA network

Headline Surfer

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.--  'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash, WWE Hall of Famer, will not be on the Raw 25th anniversary show tonight on USA network due to recent knee surgery that makes flying too painful for the near 7-footer.

Nash, the Detroit native who calls greater Daytona Beach home, won't be re-uniting with his "Kliq" buddies Triple H or Shawn Michaels on Raw's 25th anniversary show, which begins at 8 p.m.