
Winter Park HS band director accused of possessing kiddie porn video of teen boy he allegedly had sex with has bonded out of jail

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WINTER PARK, Fla -- The band director at Winter Park High School, accused of possessing a pornographic video in which he allegedly had sex with an underage teenage boy, has bonded out of the Orange County jail, authorities said.

Female rhino born in Des Moines, Iowa zoo

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YouTube download / AP video / The Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines has announced another birth for a pair of endangered rhinos. Nine-year-old female eastern black rhino, Ayana, gave birth Friday to a 112-pound female calf. The African species is considered critically endangered, primarily because of poaching (April 9). 

International group of scientists to release first photo of edges of black hole

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YouTube download / AP video / Astronomers have been investigating black holes since they were first proposed by Albert Einstein. On Wednesday, an international group of scientists plans to release the first photograph of the shadowy edges of a black hole (April 9).