Blackbeard's Inn is tops in seafood, steaks and salads
Blackbeard's Inn is one of my very favorite restaurants in town.
Blackbeard’s features a wide variety of excellent seafood along with some outstanding beef dishes. This is done at very reasonable prices. All of the seafood dishes are good. My personal favorites are the shrimp and crab Louie salads.
Having coverage in time of need is what counts
America giving away too much foreign aid
EDGEWATER, Fla. -- If you ever wonder why our economy is the way it is, it's because our government spends too much helping out the United Nations and all of the countries that dislike us.
Remembering Tim Russert, a journalism giant
Like millions of Americans across the country and here throughout Southeast Volusia, I am saddened by the passing of Tim Russert, the host of Meet the Press and the Washington bureau chief for NBC News. I liked Russert because he was down to earth. He was intelligent and tough on politicians, but always fair-minded. Put simply: He was a giant in the journalism industry.
Russert never made it to the top of the network anchor chair -- not because he wasn't talented or deserving, but because of image.
Top 10 ways to defeat the Pelosi premium at the pump
Spiritual or religious? Are they the same, different or indifferent?
Many of us are and many of us are not. Some of us are different and some are not. Some of us believe we are correct and that the others are wrong. Then there are those who believe there really is a difference. If there is, or if there is not, there still is a difference.
And in being a member of those of, either/or, or, neither/nor, the feeling of belonging to a collective group brings on the mind set of, “we are correct!” And in being so, they are really in a world of their own just as the others.
Sound confusing?
Yes? No? Or just, maybe!
Warning signs for people getting married
This blog is dedicated to Donna Marcotte, 42, and Gary Crane, 48, who are getting married June 21. Miss Marcotte and I entered into a discussion of how to tell when you have chosen a good partner. I presented some of the ideas contained in this blog for finding warning signals of a bad choice. After all, June weddings are very popular and, of course, half of all marriages end in divorce.
She was emphatic that her husband-to-be exhibits none of the warning signals we talked about.
DeBary pharmacy robbed of oxycodone by gunman
away with a couple bottles of prescription pills from the pharmacy and ran northbound from the store.
A look at the Democratic primaries from an independent voter's point of view
Now that the Democratic primaries are over and Barack Obama has a substantial lead in delegates and superdelegates, what does it all mean?