
Animal Services Officer Norma Waterman honored for foiling residential burglary in Deltona

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- A pair of burglars was recently stopped in their tracks thanks to an alert civilian crime-fighter who not only spotted the suspicious activity, but then went above and beyond by calling it in and keeping a watchful eye on the suspects until deputies arrived to take them into custody.

BREAKING NEWS: Orange City cop found dead in Daytona Beach surf - Sgt. Kelly Jo Brubaker victim of apparent suicide Henry Frederick Wed, 11/20/2019 - 09:58
Newspaper Section

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- An Orange City police sergeant who had been battling leukemia was found dead overnight in the surf - of an apparent suicide by gunshot.

Volusia County Council unanimously approves promotion of Kerry Leuzinger to building & code admin. director

Newspaper Section

DELAND, Fla. -- Volusia County’s chief building official for the last three years has been promoted to building and code administration division director following his confirmation by the Volusia County Council on Tuesday for the position.