
Politically incorrect, but needed to be said publicly: No mention of Ann McFall's death Monday morning by Volusia County admin/PR flaks

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- This may be politically iuncorrect, but needs to be said: No mention at all  by Volusia County's top administrators, PR flaks or even County Chair Jeff Brower on Monday morning's passing of political giant Ann McFall. 

Illinois researchers rely on Boykin spaniels to sniff out ornate box turtles for health study

Newspaper Section

With the help of Boykin spaniels who sniff out ornate box turtles hiding in prairie grass, researchers are able to monitor turtle health. They say the turtles are sentinels of environmental and ecosystem health that also impacts humans. Chicago Zoological Society and the University of Illinois spent Friday surveying the 3,800-acre (1,500-hectare) Nachusa Grasslands for the turtles.

Federal judge dismisses NRA bankruptcy case that enables New York officials to move ahead with lawsuit

A federal judge on Tuesday, May 11, dismissed the National Rifle Association’s bankruptcy case, leaving the powerful gun-rights group to face a New York state lawsuit that accuses it of financial abuses and aims to put it out of business.

BREAKING NEWS: Reluctant to take mask off indoors here in greater Orlando despite newest CDC guidelines because of serious recurring health issues

ORLANDO - I am fully vaccinated with the two-shot Pfizer vaccine. However, because of serious recurring health issues (heart-lungs), I will continue to wear a mask indoors in close-contact situations or at least have a mask with me.

Journalism award in storage unit stark reminder of breaking news assignment back in the day: Execution of serial killer Aileen Wuornos

DAYTONA BEACH,Fla. -- I came across a journalism-industry award in our storage unit earlier today while looking for something else for my wife Sera when a flood of memories came rushing back from back in the day when I  witnessed and reported on the execution of famed serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Florida's death chamber on Oct. 9, 2002.

BREAKING NEWS: Joel Greenberg pleads guilty to paying 17-year-old girl for sex & 5 other felony charges

Newspaper Section

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Asked by a federal judge earlier today in US District Court in Orlando if he understood a cooperation agreement that he signed pleading guilty to child sex trafficking and five other felonies would not allow him to withdraw his pleas when he comes up for sentencing, Joel Greenberg, the disgraced former Seminole County Tax Collector responded, "I do."