
47. Heritage Middle School staffer in Deltona arrested on child abuse charges after allegedly smoking weed with 14-year-old student

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DELTONA, Fla. -- A staff member at Heritage Middle School was arrested back in late December after she met with a 14-year-old student at 1:30 in the morning and smoked some marijuana with him before his parents discovered he was missing.

46. Daytona Beach cops: Three men arrested on multiple felony charges in dogfighting ring; 42 pit bulls rescued

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DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Three men were arrested on multiple felony charges including animal cruelty and animal fighting after Daytona Beach cops busted a dogfighting ring back in early March and rescued more than 40 pit bulls.

45. New Smyrna Beach resident & amateur photog Sylvan McElroy marvels at SpaceX launch

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NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. --  SpaceX’s Falcon 9 successfully launched the Inspiration4 mission – the world’s first all-civilian human spaceflight to orbit – from historic Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Central Florida.

44. Holly Hill biker and veterans advocate 'Crazy Eddie' Colosimo, 79, dies from COVID-19

Newspaper Section

HOLLY HILL, Fla. -- The occasional local political candidate known as “Crazy” Eddie Colosimo, whose ultimate claim to fame was founding the veterans support organization Bikers For First Amendment Rights, lost a three-week battle with COVID-19 back in August at the age of 79.

43. Drunk DeBary man arrested on animal cruelty charges for shooting family dog between the eyes after he was bit during an argument with girlfriend; miraculously pit-bull mix survives

DEBARY, Fla. -- Despite being shot between the eyes above the snout, "Chappo," a pit bull mix, was observed wagging his tail and bleeding profusely deputies noted in responding to a DeBary resident the night of Sept. 9, where the alleged gunman, Steven Lee Parsons, was arrested on multiple felony charges, including animal cruelty with a firearm.