
Is there a double standard in how DBPD's Chitwood deals with media regarding cops and captains in trouble?

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DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Jim Newcomb isn't the only captain in the Daytona Beach police force to have been involved in alleged wrongdoing that Chief Michael Chitwood has managed to keep under the radar while all too eager to publicly make examples of patrol cops accused of wrongdoing under supervision of these very captains. 

Daytona's top cop ordered to add Internet newspaper back onto department's PIO e-mail media distribution list

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Despite appealing directly to elected officials and top administrators at Wednesday'ds City Commission meetimng, Headline Sufer, the New Smyrna Beach-based 24/7 Internet newspaper continues to be scrambling for police-related news through other competing media outlets because it is not receiving anything from the Daytona Beach Police Deartment.

No arrests yet in two apparently separate Daytona Beach gunshot slayings since the weekend

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- No arrests have been made in two separate gunshot slayings in the city since the weekend, though Police Chief Michael Chitwood indicated to other local media outlets his officers have identified a person of interest in the second slaying.