Laurel tree in back yard presents opportunities

When I moved to Volusia County roughly 16 years ago, I was surprised and amazed to find a Laurel tree, also dubbed a Bay tree, in my backyard.

Here is a snapshot of the laurel tree in the yard of Debbie Boyd's Ponce Inlet home.

Until that time, I didn’t know the fragrant leaves, which are often used to flavor soups and the like, came in anything but bottles and in any color other than brown.

I’ve moved a few times and every house to date has had a Bay tree. I was more than thrilled to find a huge tree in my backyard on my most recent move to Ponce Inlet.

While I love the bay leaves, I was even more surprised to find what I truly believe are grape vinees -- lots of them, winding the entire length of my backyard.

Now I have a problem: I’ve always used bay leaves, albeit the brown dead ones for most of my life, but I don’t know what to do with grapes.

I don’t drink wine and for me to even attempt to make it would be the stuff disasters are made of.

I don’t drink coffee either and on the few occasions I’ve attempted to brew it, well let’s just say the results have been something less than drinkable.

Besides, I think we should leave winemaking to the experts in places like California or France, not to the likes of me.

Besides, I think we should leave winemaking to the experts in places like California or France, not to the likes of me

So I am thinking that leaves jelly. I’m not fond of jelly either, but my more domestic relatives growing up made it, so hard hard can it be?

I am guessing these things become usable around October, so I have a little time for research, but if anyone reading this has a more interesting use of grapes, please let me know. I hate to take the time to learn to make something I won’t eat (jelly) as opposed to more wisely using that time to make something I will eat (pizza).

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