YouTube download / Fred 4US video / Fred Costello, a candidate for the 6th Congressional District vying for the GOP nomination in the Aug. 28 Primary blasts fellow GOP candidate Michael Waltz in an appearance before the Southeast Volusia Republican Club in New Smyrna Beach earlier this month in response to a campaign mailer he found offensive.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Like many of you I was disturbed at our luncheon last month in New Smyrna Beach when Fred Costello passionately denied as false several charges which Micheal Waltz' campaign made against him in a mailed flyer.
Then I was taken aback by Col. Bob McKeen's highly personal email attack on Waltz for spreading what Bob regards as lies about Fred.
I know both Fred and Bob as honorable men, which made their statements especially troubling to me because I support Michael Waltz in this race and would not want to be linked to someone who would foster intentional falsehoods, particularly about another Republican. So I took the time and trouble to investigate the basis for Waltz' claims regarding Fred.These are the facts as I found them:
Honestly, I was not even aware of these issues until I began looking into them after Fred's speech and Bob's email message. I have the highest respect for Fred as a man and as a civic leader. If he wins the primary, I will do everything I can to support him against the Clinton retread whom I expect the Democrats to nominate. But I decided not to support Fred in the primary election for two reasons:
• He is too old to remain in Congress long enough to gain the position and influence needed to have real policy influence or to bring home any substantial bacon for our District;
• And he was not a strong team player in Tallahassee, a pattern which, if continued in Washington, would relegate him to the back benches and deny him the influential committee and subcommittee assignments which our congressional representative will need to further our district, state and national interests.
I have come to know Michael Waltz pretty well. Like me, he first supported other Republican candidates for the presidency. But, again like me, he got behind Donald Trump as soon as he won the nomination and has become a convinced and enthusiastic believer in the Trump agenda as exactly what is needed to resurrect America.
He has the experience, the tools, the understanding and the political and media contacts to land running in Washington and to quickly develop a position of influence well beyond what a freshman congressman could expect. In light of what the Democrats have in store for our President if they take control of the House in November, we will need our strongest possible champions in Washington, now and in the future. I think Michael Waltz is that man for us.
Headline Surfer photo / Stan Escudero is shown in the forefront with Congrressional 6 candidate Michael Waltz seated behind to his left at the Lincoln Dinner at the Ocean Cen Center in Daytona Beach, the main fundraising function of the Volusia C ounty Republican Party.
I have come to know Michael Waltz pretty well. Like me, he first supported other Republican candidates for the presidency. But, again like me, he got behind Donald Trump as soon as he won the nomination and has become a convinced and enthusiastic believer in the Trump agenda as exactly what is needed to resurrect America.
He has the experience, the tools, the understanding and the political and media contacts to land running in Washington and to quickly develop a position of influence well beyond what a freshman congressman could expect. In light of what the Democrats have in store for our President if they take control of the House in November, we will need our strongest possible champions in Washington, now and in the future. I think Michael Waltz is that man for us.
But whomever you vote for in the primary, now is the time to put aside the vitriol, the personal attacks, and other negativity.
Remember Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican". Let us all agree to devote total support to our eventual Republican nominee and send him to Washington with strict instructions to fight alongside President Trump to save our country from socialist ruin. If we cannot hold the House and the Senate the Dems will move to impeach the President and wreck his pro-American agenda.
By sending the right man to Congress and doing all possible to elect Rick Scott to the Senate we will play our part. We must not be found wanting. The fate of the nation depends upon us and on voters like us.
Best regards,