EDGEWATER, Fla. -- The things going on in Afghanistan now are so sad and scary for that country’s residents.
My unpopular opinion is that we never belonged there in first place, lost too many Americans and did our very best to help train those people to run their own country so it was way past time for us to be gone.
It is very much like Viet Nam was. I was old enough to have lived through that and have a cousin with a Purple Heart from his service.
We are not responsible for other countries' civil wars. Our focus should be our own country with its multitude of problems that are not getting solved due to deeply partisan political issues.
Opposite parties or not, our representatives need to learn to work together to get things done.
Back to Afghanistan: I think the Americans with families should have been informed and removed slowly so as to not let the enemy know we were thinking of leaving. We needed to make arrangements for Afghans and their families to get out better than we did. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude and what they are going through now is not how it should be. Then again, the announcement of a pullout was initiated by the Trump administration. But then Donald Trump was soundly defeated in 2020, despite his Big Lie.
Back to Afghanistan: I think the Americans with families in harm's way should have been informed and removed slowly so as to not let the enemy know we were thinking of leaving. We needed to make arrangements for Afghans and their families to get out better than we did. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude and what they are going through now is not how it should be. Then again, the announcement of a pullout was initiated by the Trump administration. But then Donald Trump was soundly defeated in 2020, despite his Big Lie.
Granted no one saw the country falling in a week coming but they should have known by the number of Afghanistans who deserted while being trained, by seeing how fearful those citizens were of the Taliban and not expected their army -- that we armed and trained to cave -- so quickly.
It is a sad situation, but President Biden is doing what needed to be done years ago. Nowhere in the world is safe from terrorism, including right here in the United States, but that is why we need to double our efforts at thwarting those attacks.
So far many have been stopped, but we cannot become complacent. No one expects the Taliban to keep their word about people over there getting through to the airfield and I am sure did not really believe they would stop their attacks on us until the date set by Trump.
All citizens of Afghanistan need to remain aware of their surroundings and report out of order things to police.
Pray that everyone who needs to get out of Afghanistan does and that as that country moves forward women and girls will be safefrom the typanny of the Taliban and their Sharia Law.
YouTube embedding / Crux video / Similarities between US withdrawal from Vietnam back in '75 with Fall of Saigon similar to disaster with American troops leaving Afghanistan.