Citizens of the Year: Mike Pastore, advocate for Daytona's homeless & Tamara Spuzzillo who quit smoking in June

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Mike Pastore has created a firestorm by getting directly in involved in helping Daytona's homeless by handing out sleeping bags, transporting some to local shower and health facilities.
And in the process, the street preacher, known as "Pastor Mike," who was once homeless, finds himself in a tough spot with politicians, business owners, the cops and even some media outlets because of his advocacy and voice for the voiceless.
Tamara Szabo Spuzzillo, a secretary in a law office from Port Orange, has done something very special, not only for her family and close friends, but also for herself. And in the process has become a true inspiration to loved ones and complete strangers alike: She quit smoking cold turkey on June 4 -- two days after she turned 50 years old and hasn't taken a puff since then.