New Smyrna Beach

Cudas Unhooked fundraiser in New Smyrna Beach draws hundreds of all ages; organizer Ray Catheline overwhelmed by turnout and provide Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. 

Video and photos by Henry Frederick / Ray Catheline, who works at Kokomo's Salon, 521 Canal St., New Smyrna Beach, washes and styles customer Kim Poole's hair during the wildly successful Sunday Cudas Unhooked hair-a-thon fundraiser, which he organized.

NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Nobody was more blown away by today's Cudas Unhooked hair-a-thon fundraiser than the organizer himself -- KokoMo's Salon hair stylist Ray Catheline.

Daytona Cubs teams up with New Smyrna Beach-based AM1230 WSBB for 2011 Minor League baseball season and provide Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. 
Courtesy photo / Cubby says "play ball'' and WSBB radio in New Smyrna Beach will have all the action, both home and away for the upcoming season of the Daytona Cubs who call Jackie Robinson Stadium home.

DAYTONA BEACH -- The Daytona Cubs and New Smyrna Beach-based WSBB radio will partner up for the 2011 season to make AM 1230 the new and official "Voice of the Daytona Cubs." 

Big haircut fundraiser today behind KoKoMo's Salon on Canal Street in New Smyrna Beach to benefit Cudas Unhooked; wholesome family event and provide Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. 
Courtesy photo / T-shirts, food and a silent auction are among myriad events and events for today's Cudas Unhookek fundraiser.Click the attachment for more details.
NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Hair stylist Ray Catheline and a dozen other colleagues will be offering haircuts today at KoKoMos Salon on Canal Street as part of a fundraiser for Cudas Unhooked, which helps New Smyrna Beach High School students considered at-risk or even homeless.
The event is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with all kinds of food, fun and prizes the whole family can enjoy. There's even a silent auction featuring tickets to an Orlando Magic game. For more information on Cudas Unhooked, please go to

Sea Scouts program benefits New Smyrna Beach and Edgewater teens looking for an adventure and a little math

My 15-year-old daughter, Angela DiCara, does not like doing math problems out of a text book, but enjoys charting a course and teaching others to do so. Angela says, "Sea Scouts is an adventurous opportunity."

Governor Scott orders review of government-run hospitals; significant for several Volusia hospital taxing districts including the one for troubled Bert Fish and provide Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. 
Courtesy photo / Gov. Scott has created a commission to review the viability of taxpayer-funded hospital districts.

TALLAHASSEE -- Governor Rick Scott signed today Executive Order 11-63, creating the Commission on Review of Taxpayer Funded Hospital Districts, which will consider whether government-run hospitals are in the best interest of taxpayers and recommend a cost-effective and efficient model for providing Florida with a health-care safety net.

Economic development success requires regulatory reform at all levels of government

Elected on a platform of “jobs, jobs, jobs,” Governor Rick Scott has been addressing importing businesses from other areas of the country and enticing start-ups to view Florida as fertile ground for their new endeavors.

Chidrens' Tadpole surfing event part of surfer extravaganza in New Smyrna Beach and provide Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. 
Photos courtesy of the Smyrna Safari Club / Tadpole surfing will be held April 2 south of the Ponce Inlet jetty in New Smyrna Beach, part of a four-day Kona Pro Surf Contest, that begins March 31. This photo shows an unidentified mom and her child in the New Smyrna Beach surf, practicing for the tadpole contest

NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- The community's youngest surfers have been given the nickname of tadpoles, which Webster's Dictionary defines as a small creature with external gills that undergoes a metamorphosis to adult.

Closing of pool in Edgewater could mean demise of New Smyrna Beach High School swim team and provide Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. 

EDGEWATER -- The New Smyrna Beach High School swim team has lost its pool at the Aqua Park Aquatic Center and as a result may fold, according to a story by WESH-TV in Orlando.

New Smyrna Beach man charged with attempted murder after a knife pluge to a man's chest during an argument over a woman

NSBNews.Net provides Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. This website can also be accessed through VolusiaNews.Net
Courtesy photos / Dwayne Renard Morris, 22,  (as shown in the larger photo) is charged with attempted murder in the near-fatal stabbing of 20-year-old Startavious Antwan Tarpley, who is recovering from a wound to the left side of his chest at Bert Fish Medical Center.

NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- A 22-year-old New Smyrna Beach man was arrested this afternoon on a warrant charging him with attempted murder in the near-fatal stabbing of a 20-year-old man two days ago in the 500 block of Washington Avenue during a heated argument over a woman, police said.

Coast Guard rescues four in stranded boat 50 miles east of New Smyrna Beach; Bahamian national medically evacuated by helicopter

NSBNews.Net provides Volusia County with 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage for a 21st-century world. This website can also be accessed through VolusiaNews.Net

NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- The Coast Guard medically evacuated a Bahamian national approximately 50-miles east of New Smyrna Beach tonight.