
Old guard Biden necessary for Obama to deal with Washington politics

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Throughout his run for the presidency Barack Obama has preached for change, change for the way things go on in Washington. Yet, despite his disdain for the deal-making tactics that exist, he has chosen as his running mate, Joe Biden, a senator with 35 years of experience and involvement in so-called Washington politics.

I assume Obama realizes that it is necessary to continue working with the vestiges of the "old guard" if he lacks experience in foreign policy and in overall government administration.

We're past 50,000

Hard work does make a difference and staying committed to community journalism does make a difference. Both are emphasized and practiced religiously with this online newspaper, Southeast Volusia residents knew they could count on us for continuous coverage of Tropical Storm Fay. Committed coverage to greater New Smyrna Beach is why we have surpassed 50,000 "hits" since our April 11 launch.

Obama would fare better against McCain with Hillary, even though he'll still lose

Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate. What a slap in the face for Hillary Clinton with all of her experience and voter support as she made an historic run for the Democratic presidential nomination with bigs wins in states like Pennsylvania and Texas.

Fay affects fishing and wildlife

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Key Words
On August 22, 2008 in Elkin, North Carolina, David Hayes' granddaughter, Alyssa just asked him to hold her Barbie rod and reel while she went to the bathroom. He did. And seconds later he landed the state record channel catfish at 21 pounds, 1 ounce. Alyssa stand beside him with her Barbie rod and reel

The typical summer-time fishing weather of hot, humid and thunderstorms got interrupted by a tropical storm named Fay, which ended up taking 6 lives and did considerable damage throughout the state . The good news is that the storm is now history for northeast Florida. The storm did cause some turtle hatchlings to have problems but thanks to rescuers they were protected from the crashing seas until the seas settled down and they will be released. Near Melbourne International Airport a slew of confused animals were wandering through the grounds of the airport thinking that the field were wetlands  - four walking catfish,  two gopher tortoises, a blue indigo snake, and an couple of alligators.


Slowpoke Rodriguez becoming Speedy Gonzalez

My girlfriend, who is Latina, calls me Slowpoke Rodriguez. It has nothing to do with being slow in la cabeza (the head. She gave me the name based on the character from the Speedy Gonzalez cartoons. Never heard of Slowpoke Rodriguez? Look him up in YouTube. He's hilarious. I'm Slowpoke because I'm too heavy. I want to lose weight, but I am not very active -- at least I was not until a week ago. I participated in the 5k walk organized by New Smyrna Beach resident Danielle Oldham in honor of the troops. I finished dead last, but I finished.

The Bad Ideas of Karl Marx

With the onset of another presidential election, the people of Southeast Volusia, and for that matter, the whole country should be aware of how much the rotten ideas of Karl Marx have influenced our politics, even to this day. Many like Grace Bark, 79, who lives on the beach-side, don’t recognize the extent of Marx’s influence on our politics, except they have a negative impression of him, even without knowing or understanding his principles.

Birth Announcements

Newspaper Section

Sept. 19, 2008 -- Melissa Wright and Zack Yancey, Edgewater, girl, 6 pounds, 10:14 a.m. at Florida Hospital Ormond Memorial.

Sept. 15 -- Jesse and Jason McGuirk, New Smyrna Beach, boy, 6 pounds, 14 ounces, 1:38 p.m., Halifax Health Medical Center.

Sept. 12, 2008 -- Kimberly and Phil Tyree of New Smyrna Beach, boy, 7 pounds, 14 ounces, 8:18 a.m., Halifax Health Medical Center.

Sept. 10, 2008 -- Joshua McCormick and KeShanena Evans of New Smyrna Beach, boy, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, 6:28 a.m., Halifax Health Medical Center.