Our endorsed candidates: Herbig, Realin, Avila, Tramont, Via, BJohnson, Patterson, Lowry, Haynes, Cuthbert, MJohnson, Will, Fields, Cantu, DeSantis, Waltz, Scott
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Early voting in Volusia County begins today in Volusia County and Headline Surfer has endorsed 16 candidates at the municipal, county, state and federal levels in the Aug. 28 primary:
New Smyrna Beach mayor: Chase Herbig; New Smyrna Beach City Commission - Zone 1: Jessica Realin; Deltona Mayor: Santiago Avila Jr; Port Orange City Council Dis 2: Chase Tramont; County Council At-Large: Ben Johnson; County Council Dis 1: Pat Patterson; County Council Dis 5: Fred Lowry; School Board Dis 1: Jamie Michele Haynes; School Board Dis 3: Linda L. Cuthbert; School Board Dis 5: Melody Johnson; County Judge (7th Judicial Circuit) - Group 5: Dawn “Pam” Fields; Circuit Judge (7th Judicial Circuit) - Group 15: Ryan Will; State Rep. Dis 26 (GOP): Michael Cantu; Governor (GOP): Ron DeSantis; Congress Dis 6 (GOP): Michael Waltz; and US Senate (GOP): Rick Scott.