The Agenda

Step up and do your part to help GOP take over in 2012

Barring cataclysms such as war nations, especially great nations, do not collapse overnight. Nations fall bit by painful bit, over many years, sometimes in such tiny slices that their own citizens do not realize what is happening around them. The Roman Empire’s fall took centuries. Europe collapsed between the years 1914-1945.

Throwing America under the bus

By Stan Escudero
Chief Political blogger for

Our President has been traveling the byroads on his Throw America Under the Bus Tour, in hot pursuit of anti-Republican class warfare all the while denying that he is campaigning so that he can rip off the public by forcing the taxpayers to pick up the cost of the trip.

The deficit: America needs selflessness and wisdom from its leaders

The deficit: America needs selflessness and wisdom from its leaders

Stan Escudero By Stanley Escudero of Daytona Beach Shores chief political blogger

Congress is congenitally incapable of agreeing on politically controversial issues like the debt ceiling until the last possible moment. Even then they can be counted on to seek the safest common denominator which usually means a partial agreement. That in turn kicks the hardest part of the problem into future congresses or leaves loopholes which future congresses can use to avoid making these same hard decisions.

Dancing around distaster with deficit

The shadows dance around the flames. The Republicans walk out of the debt limit talks to dramatize their opposition to raising taxes. The president is dragged off the golf course and into the negotiations, whereupon he promptly makes a campaign speech promoting class warfare rather than seeking a debt crisis solution. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke scratches his head in puzzlement as his monetarist remedies fail to offset the damage to the economy exacerbated by the socialist policies of the Obama Administration.

And all of this is theater.

It is in the nature of these political confrontations that a solution will not be reached until the last possible second. The good of the nation be damned – there are too many political careers at stake to compromise before it is absolutely unavoidable.