
991. Takashi Yokoyama killed in 1997 Formula 3 race in Japan after airborne car strikes signboard & disintegrates

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DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- A crash that brought out the safety car in the final race of the 1997 Formula 3 racing season in Fuji, Japan, where a young driver moving up fast from the back, Takashi Yokoyama, had failed to slow down in time, hitting a car in front of him and launching his own racing machine into the air before it tore through a signboard killing him instantly.

Today in History for June 2: Timothy McVeigh 'guilty' in Oklahoma City bombing

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YouTube download / AP video / Highlights of this day in history for June 2: 1997: A federal jury finds Timothy McVeigh guilty in the Oklahoma City bombing resulting in 168 deaths. He's executred four years later; 1953: Coronation day for Britain's Queen Elizabeth II; 1979: Pope John Paul II visits his native Poland; 1941: Baseball's Lou Gehrig dies of the dreaded disease that bears hids name at age 37. 

Florida Highway Patrol: VCSO Senior Deputy Frank Scofield struck & killed while riding bicycle

Photo for Headline Surfer / Volusia County Sheriff's Senior Deputy Frank Scofield, who was struck and killed Sunday morning by a motorist while riding his bicycle  is shown here in this pic with the VCSO Marine Unit, which he had been assigned for 22 years.  
Headline Surfer
Ponce Inlet Police Lt. Max Binz has died Henry Frederick Mon, 06/03/2019 - 15:35

PONCE INLET, Fla. -- Max Binz, a longtime lieutenant with the Ponce Inlet Police Department and briefly an acting chief, died Sunday night, the police department announced on the town's website. He was 59.

Special Report: How Safe Are We In East Central Florida?

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DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Never in his worst nightmare did Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett ever dream he'd make national headlines of his own 3 1/2 years after a jury in Seminole County acquitted George Zimmerman of second-degree murder in the 2012 shooting death of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Obituary: Max Binz, 59, Ponce Inlet police lieutenant Henry Frederick Thu, 06/06/2019 - 08:57

PONCE INLET, Fla. -- Ponce Inlet Police Lt. Max E. Binz III, 59, of Port Orange, passed away Sunday, June 2, 2019, with his loving wife at his side at Halifax Hospital Port Orange.

Headline Surfer Endorsement for Port Orange City Council: Marilyn Ford remains rightful choice in runoff election today to succeed late husband

PORT ORANGE, Fla -- Marilyn Ford should be given the nod by the voters today in the runoff special election to succeed her late husband, Robert Ford, for the district 1 seat he held on the Port Orange City Council.