
Longwood Mayor Matt Morgan thanks police department for 'record-setting' back-to-school event

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LONGWOOD, Fla. -- If there's one thing that puts Longwood Mayor Matt Morgan head and shoulders above dozens of municipal leaders, besides the fact that he's close to 7 feet tall, is his graciousness.

James Webb space telescope's 'wow' factor: Embry-Riddle astronomer Terry Oswalt breaks down historic imagery for non-scientists

Create: Fri, 07/22/2022 - 09:03
Author: Sera King

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. --The recent release of never-before-seen imagery from the James Webb Space Telescope — which featured glimpses of colliding galaxies and nebulas up to 13 billion light years away — was a huge deal. The photos were the sharpest ever recorded in human history. And you couldn't miss them: They ran in seemingly every news publication around the world, in all of their full-color glory.

Daytona-based Embry-Riddle Aeronautical flight students flying near Palatka help pilot in distress

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Key Words

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Two Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University flight students were flying near Palatka when they heard an emergency call over the radio that an 81-year-pilot nearby had just experienced engine failure at 800 feet.

Orange County Schools dropping mask-wearing mandates for adults in Orlando-area campuses starting today

Create: Mon, 02/28/2022 - 05:11
Author: Sera King
Newspaper Section

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Citing steady declines in the past month in COVID-related cases and deaths in the Sunshine State, including here in Central Florida, Orange County Public Schools is loosening its mask-wearing mandates for adults at its Orlando-area campuses starting today.

BREAKING NEWS: Ann McFall, who held three prominent Volusia County leadership posts, died today at 68

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DELAND, Fla. --  Ann McFall, described as a "champion for Volusia County" died this morning, according to Lisa Lewis, her successor as Supervisor of Elections, in a social media posting.

Embry-Riddle students helping Daytona's poor during the holidays with garden feeding program

Create: Sun, 12/20/2020 - 01:45
Author: Sera King
Newspaper Section

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – About 35 students in Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Honors Program have worked all year long to feed people experiencing hunger and disenfranchisement throughout the local community, through a partnership with Derbyshire Place, a nonprofit near the Daytona Beach campus.

Volusia County Council allocates $1.25 million in COVID-19 funds to school district for protective equipment

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Headline Surfer photo illuustration /

By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer

DELAND, Fla. -- In this age of COVID-19, it’s a big and expensive job outfitting a school district the size of Volusia’s – 61,000 students, 7,700 employees and 4,200 classrooms – with personal protective equipment (PPE).

On Tuesday, the school district got a little help from a friend – the Volusia County Council.

65 COVID-19 cases to date in Volusia Couny public schools

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By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- The Volusia County school district has reported six new cases of COVID-19 since Wednesday.

These included five students and one staff member at DeLand High, Heritage Middle, McInnis Elementary, Pine Ridge High and Southwestern Middle. 

That makes 65 cases in all - 36 student cases and 29 staff cases districtwide - since school began Aug. 31. 

No further information has been reeleased.

2020 PRIMARY RESULTS: Abby Sanchez wins re-election to the Seminole County School Board with 63.11% of the votes

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Abby Sanchez / Headline SurferHeadline Surfer photo illustration / Seminole County Public Schools opened up the school year on Aug. 17, 10 days later than scheduled due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Incumbent School Board member Abby Sanchez, shown above left was the lone seat in the Aug.